FREE Christmas Tree Recycling
Recycle your real Christmas tree by dropping it off at the Buckman Road Recycling & Transfer Station! Recycling Christmas trees into mulch provides woody material that can help to make Santa Fe’s soils healthy, increase water retention and provide nutrients for plants. Make sure that all lights, ornaments, flocking and decorations on the tree are removed before recycling. No stands.
Christmas trees will be accepted from Santa Fe residents from December 26, 2024 through January 13, 2025 at the Buckman Road Recycling & Transfer Station.
Now you can check before coming to know your approximate wait time
SFSWMA is committed to be an innovative, responsive, and integrated solid waste organization that provides a safe, cost-efficient and environmentally-sound management of solid waste generated for its customers in Santa Fe County while educating the public in the importance of waste diversion programs including waste reduction, recycling, composting, and special waste.
The Agency received approval by the SFSWMA Joint Powers Board to adopt the Title and General Summary of Ordinance 2021-1 on June 17, 2021. Ordinance 2021-1 repeals and replaces Ordinance 2012-1 entitled Creating Fees, Rates, and Charges for Use at All Facilities Operated by the Santa Fe Solid Waste Management Agency. To review the details associated with Ordinance 2021-1 click here.
NOTICE OF JULY 1, 2024 RATE INCREASE click here.
The Caja Del Rio Landfill continues to fill its latest solid waste disposal cell, Cell 6B. More Info
Disposal activities commenced in Cell 6B in March 2020. It is anticipated that Cell 6B will last approximately 5-7 years before the Agency builds out the vertical expansion approved in the 2015 New Mexico Environment Department Solid Waste Bureau operations permit. The total life of the vertical expansion is approximately 10 years. Cells 7 & 8 are currently being excavated to design based grades for cover soil used by the disposal operation.
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The permit was issued. Click here to see items accepted at the Caja del Rio Landfill (go to the bottom of the page)