Blasting is required to remove basalt rock to develop Cell 5B/6B at the Agency’s Caja del Rio Landfill (Landfill). The development of Cell 5B/6B is necessary for the provision of future waste disposal capacity. Up to 30 total blasts are anticipated for the landfill development and the tentative schedule is posted below.
The blasting contractor is obligated to notify the Agency forty-eight (48) hours prior to the blast. The Agency in turn notifies the affected parties including required entities, adjoining neighbors, and major landfill customers of the next scheduled blast.
In times of blasting, traffic at the Landfill is stopped 30 minutes before the blast and held at the scale house near the main entrance of the Landfill up to 30 minutes after the blast.
The Agency’s Primary Coordinator will ensure all personnel, customers, and visitors have been evacuated beyond the scale house prior to the blast. The blast siren sequence is as follows: a five minute long warning wail, a one minute intermittent short wail, and a yelp 30 seconds prior to the blast. Once the blast has been detonated and the all clear sign has been given, the Primary Coordinator will open all roads, allowing traffic to return to the area.
To ensure your safety, take note of blast times and always obey the Primary Coordinator’s instructions.
It is the intent of the blasting contractor to blast between the hours of 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. as much as possible. In the event weather at the Landfill requires a blast to be moved forward or postponed, the blasting contractor will notify the Agency. If sufficient time is available, the Agency will notify all affected parties by email of the blast schedule change. In the event of insufficient time, only the Santa Fe Airport and Santa Fe County Fire Department – Regional Emergency Communication Center will be notified by telephone.
The following are the scheduled blasts for the week of February 17, 2014:
Day: FRI
Date: 2/21
Time: 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
For further information, contact Primary Coordinator Randy Watkins at 780-0609 (cell) or call the Caja del Rio Landfill at 424-1850, ext. 150.
Santa Fe Airport
Santa Fe County Fire – Regional Emergency Communication Center
Del Hur Industries
Caja Del Rio Landfill
New Mexico Environment Department – Solid Waste Bureau {Enforcement}
New Mexico Game & Fish Department
Marty Sanchez Links De Santa Fe
City of Santa Fe – Solid Waste Division
Santa Fe County – Land Use Department
Agency’s Joint Power Board Members
City and County PIO’s
CDM Smith, Inc.
Aimone-Martin Associates
Major Waste Haulers
Interested Area Residents
Santa Fe Solid Waste Management Agency
149 Wildlife Way Santa Fe, NM 87506